25 HP


The Suzuki 25 HP outboard engine is one of the most technologically advanced portable outboards on the market today, thanks to state-of-the-art innovations. This is the world's first 25 HP outboard motor featuring Lean Burn and Battery-Free Electronic Fuel Injection technology. The Suzuki EFI system functions without the use of batteries, which, in this horsepower class, is an industry first. Not to mention, the Suzuki 25 HP outboard engine is a smooth-running "Next Generation" four-stroke that offers rapid starts, excellent acceleration, outstanding performance, and higher-ranking fuel economy.

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  The Suzuki 25 HP outboard motor is the most environmentally friendly gas outboard motor on..
Based on 1 reviews.
  Suzuki's 25 HP DF25AS5 outboard motor with it's battery-less EFI fuel injection sy..
Based on 1 reviews.
  Clean, Green Technology is built into the Suzuki 25 HP outboard motor. This 4 stroke, batt..
  Now available in SUPER COOL WHITE COLOR! The beautiful High Tech green design plus th..
Based on 1 reviews.
  Beautiful High Tech green design, plus the 5-year Suzuki factory warranty, makes the Suzuk..
  NOW AVAILABLE IN SUPER COOL WHITE COLOR! The beautiful High Tech green design plus the 5-y..
  The 25 HP Suzuki outboard model # DF25ATL5 is equipped with every feature you might want. ..
  The 25 HP Suzuki Cool White outboard model # DF25ATLW5 is equipped with every feature you ..
Based on 1 reviews.
  State-of-the-Art designs make the new DF25A EFI the most technically advanced portable out..
  State-of-the-Art designs make the DF25A the most technically advanced portable outboard on..
Based on 1 reviews.